Revolucion De Cuba Norwich

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Reviews of Revolucion De Cuba in Norwich

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Review of New Years Eve 2023

Overall rating: 4 Verified review

It was a good night, just when the midnight came there was no countdown, guests that were looking at the clock started counting down from 8 on top of the music, no proper celebration.

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Revolucion De Cuba venue information

Get ready to explore the diverse and exciting world of rum at RevoluciĆ³n de Cuba Norwich. Classic, contemporary or just plain crazy, our cocktail menu caters for every fiesta. We mix them, muddle them and sometimes even set fire to them, just like the party people of Ol’ Havana. Then, it’s time to feast on the Latin-inspired menu from our Cuban cantina and tapas restaurant. Relax on the terrace or take a seat at the rum bar to choose from our fine selection of rums from around the world.

Venue contact details and info

Name: Revolucion De Cuba

Address: 7 Queen Street, Norwich, NR2 4SG


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Type of venue: Nightclub

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