Cirque Manchester

#686 of 750 music venues in Manchester

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Cirque venue information

A luxury independent champagne and vodka house, the perfect hidden gem located just outside the city centre.

Join us in decadent surroundings with the finest champagne for a night of completely unrivalled entertainment.

Venue contact details and info

Name: Cirque

Phone: 0161 222 7880

Capacity: 160

Type of venue: Bar/Pub

Dress code: Smart

Opening hours: 8pm - 1am

Food served: Private hire only

Parking: Parking outside venue

Address: Cirque, Queens Road, Manchester, M9 5FF

Venue short url:

Music Policy: chart popular jazz rnb house

Ambiance: luxurious, glamorous

Clientele: high end

Drinks served: Champagne, cocktails and spirits

Disabled facilities: yes

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